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Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 Or 9 Is Required

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Important Note

Adobe Acrobat 9.0 was released. Support for version 9 ended June 26, 2013, with the last available update being 9.5.5. Adobe Reader 9 ends compatibility with Adobe Reader Extensions 5 and 6 which permit Adobe Reader client software to save changes to filled-in forms in PDFs. Adobe Reader Extensions 6.1 and newer are still usable. It looks to me that the Adobe Reader 9 version is not a complete program. It is not working as it is suppose to be. Many have asked questions about this issue on their website as well but Adobe has not offered any solutions or support for it.

We no longer support the FileOpen interface to Numerical Recipes. However, many users stillreport success in using it. If you want to try, you need to install the FileOpen free pluginon your device. Currently, we recommend doing this according to the instructions at theFileOpen Plugin web page.

Old Instructions

Instructions for Microsoft Windows

I have windows XP and I recently installed a 9 version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader version 8 or 9 is required. New Here, Apr 08, 2010.

Instructions for Mac OS X
Instructions for Linux
FrequentlyAsked Questions About the Plugin

Microsoft Windows

Quick Windows Instructions

Get the Fileopen® plugin here. Move it to your Adobe Reader®plug_ins directory. Restart Adobe Reader. That is all!

Very Detailed Windows Instructions

1. Download the file FileOpen.api by clicking here.You should get a choice 'Save to Disk'. Save the file to somewherethat you will be able to find it, for example your desktop. Ifyou do not get a 'Save to Disk' (or similar choice) thenright-click on this link and choose 'Save Target as.'or 'Save Link as.' Depending on your Windows settings, youwill see it named either FileOpen.api or else just FileOpen.

(You will now locate your Adobe Reader® (or Acrobat® Reader)plugins directory, named 'plug_ins', as follows:)

2. Click the 'Start' button. Choose 'Run'. In the text box,enter 'explorer' and click 'OK'. An explorer window willappear. In its left explorer panel click on 'MyComputer', then 'C:', then 'Program Files', then 'Adobe'. If youhave a nonstandard installation, you might have to find the 'Adobe'folder on another disk, or in another place, but this is rare.

3. After clicking in the left explorer panel on the 'Adobe' folder, youmay see several folders in the right explorer panel, with names like'Acrobat 7.0', 'Acrobat Reader 7.0', 'Reader8.0', etc. You want to open (double-click) the one that yourbrowser is actually using to open PDF documents. It willgenerally be the one with the highest version number. If youhave both an 'Acrobat X.X' and a 'Reader X.X' with the same versionnumber X.X, you will usually want the 'Acrobat X.X' folder. Mweb 3 2 2 rubix. However,there is no harm in performing the following steps on morethan one version.

4. In the (e.g.) 'Acrobat 7.0' or 'Reader 8,0' folder that youjust opened, there will be a folder named 'Acrobat' or 'Reader'.Double click to open it.

5. You should now see the folder 'plug_ins' in the rightexplorer panel. Double click to open it. You should see variousAdobe plugins, for example 'Accessibility', 'AcroForm', 'ADBC',etc. (None of these are necessary for this install, however.)

(You will now actually install the plugin, simply by moving it tothe correct place:)

6. Gmagon css maker 2 0. Drag the FileOpen.api file from your desktop (or whereveryou put it) into the right explorer panel with the other plugins.Once you see it there, you may close the explorer window.

7. Close all open instances of Acrobat or Reader. Note thatthese sometimes can be running in the background. If you knowhow to close these by right-clicking on an empty part of the taskbar, choosing TaskManger, clicking on its 'Processes' tab, right-clicking onthe Acrobat.exe process, and choosing 'End Process', then doso. Otherwise, you might need to logout and login again,or even reboot your machine (very rare).

Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 Or 9 Is Required Key

8. Test your installation by clickinghere.After a few seconds' delay, you should see a document thatconfirms that your FileOpen plugin is working properly. If youdon't, then see Troubleshooting, below.

Automatic Installation

FileOpen Systems has an automatic installation option that you canaccess as a web applet here, or as a download here.We do not recommend this method, because it doesnot always work properly on some Windows configurations.However, we have never seen it do any harm, so you might want to give it a try.Then, test your installation by clicking here.

Apple Macintosh OS X

Mac Instructions for Adobe Acrobat or Reader versions 9

The instructions below for Reader version 8 will also work for Readerversion 9, but you will probably have to do the manual installationthat starts at step 5. See herefor more detailed instructions.

Mac Instructions for Adobe Acrobat or Reader versions 7 and 8

1. Verify that you can read this PDF fileusing Adobe Acrobat or Reader. If your browser is Safari, youcan set it to use Adobe Reader 8 as a plugin (see this Adobetechnical note if you have trouble with this). If your browser isFirefox or your Acrobat version is 7, you'll probably have to save PDFfiles and then separately open them with Acrobat or Adobe Reader.Other PDF readers won't work, because they cannot use the FileOpenplugin. Adobe Reader 8 can be downloaded for freehere.

2. Download the installation dmg file 'FileOpenMacInstall.dmg' here.Double click to its icon to mount it. Now double click on thenew icon of the mounted disk to open it. You should see (among otheritems), a 'box' icon for FileOpenInstaller.

3. Unlike the Windows version, we have had good experiencewith the the automatic installer. Be sure to exit (not just iconify)Safari or any other brower before installing.Double-click on FileOpenInstaller.It should confirm a successful install.

4. Test your installation by downloading and viewing this documentwith Acrobat or Adobe Reader. After a fewseconds' delay, you should see a confirmation that yourFileOpen plugin is working properly. You can now skip the rest ofthese instructions.

5. If you don't get a confirmation (for example, error messageslike 'Missing component not found' or 'Checking for updates'), thenyou must do a manual install. Quit Adobe reader if it is stillrunning. Now, open a new Finder window by clickingon the desktop and then choosing File/New Finder Window in theFinder menu bar.

6. On the left, click Applications, then locate the Adobe Readerfolder. Double click on it, to open it. Inside you willfind the Adobe Reader application. Don't double click on it!Rather, right-click on it once and choose Get Info. (Or, you canleft-click on it once and then keyboard Command-I -- it's the same thing.)

7. Towards the bottom of the info window, expand the Plug-inssection and click the Add button. Now, in the window,navigate to the previously mountedFileOpenMacInstall image drive and choose the correct item fromthese choices: For Adobe Acrobat/Reader 7, choose the filenamed 'FileOpen7.acroplugin'. For Adobe Acrobat/Reader 8, choosethe folder 'FileOpen8.acroplugin'. NEVER choose thefile named 'FileOpen.acroplugin'.

8. After you click the Choose button, you should see the FileOpenplugin added to the list of plugins in the Info box. Close all openwindows and do the test in step 4.

9. See Troubleshooting, below, especially about firewall issues.

Mac Instructions for Adobe Reader 6 and earlier

1. We only support Adobe Reader 7 and later.However, there is still a chance for you:Do steps 1 and 2 in the instructions above.

2. Open the Readme file, which is provided by FileOpen Systems (not us!).Perhaps it will help you. This is where you will use the file'FileOpen.acroplugin' which we avoided above. Good luck.



Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 Or 9 Is Required Free

Important: We are still waiting for a fix from FileOpen that willlet the plug-in work with Acrobat/Reader 9 under Linux. Right now we have no workaround, onlyapologies. For the latest update, seethis thread.

If you are using an older Linux distribution (e.g., Suse earlierthan 10.2 or Fedora Core earlier than 6), AND you are using Acrobat Reader 8(not 7), then see this threadbefore proceeding.

Note: Some previous versions of the FileOpen Linux plugindidn't work correctly (e.g., 'Error #2115'). Be sure to install thenew version, downloaded via the links on this page below.

Quick Linux Instructions

Verify that you are using Adobe Acrobator Reader to view PDF files. Get the plugin here for AdobeReader 7, or here for AdobeReader 8. Moveit to your Adobe Reader plug_ins directory and make it executable.Create a directory named '.fileopen' in your home directory and makesure it is writeable by you. That is all!

Very Detailed Linux Instructions

1. Check whether your browser is set up to use Acrobat Reader orAdobe Reader for viewing PDF documents by viewing this document.(This step has nothing to do with the plugin.) Firefox and Opera canbe configured to use Adobe Reader within the browser; Konqueror can beconfigured to automatically launch the Adobe Reader externally. PDFreaders other than Adobe won't work, because they cannot use theFileOpen plugin. If you need to install Adobe Reader, go to thisAdobeweb page.

2. Download the plugin from here for AdobeReader 7, or here for AdobeReader 8, andsave it to disk in a convenient place such as your desktopor /tmp/FileOpen.api . It doesn't matter what it is named, as longas the name ends in .api

(You will now locate your Adobe Reader (or Acrobat Reader)plugins directory, named 'plug_ins', as follows:)

3. The most likely location for Reader 7 is'/usr/X11R6/lib/Acrobat7/Reader/intellinux/plug_ins'.The most likely location for Reader 8 is'/opt/Adobe/Reader8/Reader/intellinux/plug_ins'.If the firstpart of this path is not right, you can usually figure out what itshould be by doing the command (at a shell prompt) 'whereis acroread'or else 'which acroread'. Adobe premiere pro cc 2020 full crack. If your Adobe or Acrobat Reader is notin X11R6/lib or /opt/Adobe, it is probably somewhere in a directory named 'acroread'(or 'Acrobat7' or similar)that contains directories Browser, bin, Resource, and Reader.So if whereis returns something like blahblah/bin/acroread,with some nontrivial blahblah, itis likely that plug_ins is somewhere below blahblah/Reader.Go down through the blahblah directories to find it.If whereis returns something like /usr/bin/acroread, on the otherhand, you will probably find that this is a symbolic link tothe actual location. Go to /usr/bin and do 'ls -l' to find whereit links to.

Laptop not recognising external hard drive. (You will now actually install the plugin, simply by moving it tothe correct place:)

4. When you have found the plug_ins directory, copy theFileOpen.api file into it. If it has some other name, that is OK,as long as it ends in '.api'. You will likely have to become root forthis step, using the 'su' command. You can then do the copy by a 'cp'command at a shell prompt. Alternatively, you can drag the filein your GUI (again becoming root).

Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 Or 9 Is Required To Be

5. Now you must make the FileOpen.api file executable. At ashell prompt in the plug_ins directory, the command is'chmod 755 FileOpen.api'.

Adobe acrobat reader version 8 or 9 is required to be

Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 Or 9 Is Required Free

Important: We are still waiting for a fix from FileOpen that willlet the plug-in work with Acrobat/Reader 9 under Linux. Right now we have no workaround, onlyapologies. For the latest update, seethis thread.

If you are using an older Linux distribution (e.g., Suse earlierthan 10.2 or Fedora Core earlier than 6), AND you are using Acrobat Reader 8(not 7), then see this threadbefore proceeding.

Note: Some previous versions of the FileOpen Linux plugindidn't work correctly (e.g., 'Error #2115'). Be sure to install thenew version, downloaded via the links on this page below.

Quick Linux Instructions

Verify that you are using Adobe Acrobator Reader to view PDF files. Get the plugin here for AdobeReader 7, or here for AdobeReader 8. Moveit to your Adobe Reader plug_ins directory and make it executable.Create a directory named '.fileopen' in your home directory and makesure it is writeable by you. That is all!

Very Detailed Linux Instructions

1. Check whether your browser is set up to use Acrobat Reader orAdobe Reader for viewing PDF documents by viewing this document.(This step has nothing to do with the plugin.) Firefox and Opera canbe configured to use Adobe Reader within the browser; Konqueror can beconfigured to automatically launch the Adobe Reader externally. PDFreaders other than Adobe won't work, because they cannot use theFileOpen plugin. If you need to install Adobe Reader, go to thisAdobeweb page.

2. Download the plugin from here for AdobeReader 7, or here for AdobeReader 8, andsave it to disk in a convenient place such as your desktopor /tmp/FileOpen.api . It doesn't matter what it is named, as longas the name ends in .api

(You will now locate your Adobe Reader (or Acrobat Reader)plugins directory, named 'plug_ins', as follows:)

3. The most likely location for Reader 7 is'/usr/X11R6/lib/Acrobat7/Reader/intellinux/plug_ins'.The most likely location for Reader 8 is'/opt/Adobe/Reader8/Reader/intellinux/plug_ins'.If the firstpart of this path is not right, you can usually figure out what itshould be by doing the command (at a shell prompt) 'whereis acroread'or else 'which acroread'. Adobe premiere pro cc 2020 full crack. If your Adobe or Acrobat Reader is notin X11R6/lib or /opt/Adobe, it is probably somewhere in a directory named 'acroread'(or 'Acrobat7' or similar)that contains directories Browser, bin, Resource, and Reader.So if whereis returns something like blahblah/bin/acroread,with some nontrivial blahblah, itis likely that plug_ins is somewhere below blahblah/Reader.Go down through the blahblah directories to find it.If whereis returns something like /usr/bin/acroread, on the otherhand, you will probably find that this is a symbolic link tothe actual location. Go to /usr/bin and do 'ls -l' to find whereit links to.

Laptop not recognising external hard drive. (You will now actually install the plugin, simply by moving it tothe correct place:)

4. When you have found the plug_ins directory, copy theFileOpen.api file into it. If it has some other name, that is OK,as long as it ends in '.api'. You will likely have to become root forthis step, using the 'su' command. You can then do the copy by a 'cp'command at a shell prompt. Alternatively, you can drag the filein your GUI (again becoming root).

Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 Or 9 Is Required To Be

5. Now you must make the FileOpen.api file executable. At ashell prompt in the plug_ins directory, the command is'chmod 755 FileOpen.api'.

(You will now create a writeable subdirectory '.fileopen' in yourhome directory, as follows:)

6. Get out of being root by a CTRL-D or exit command (thisis IMPORTANT).As yourself, go to your home directory by the command 'cd ~'. Now,as yourself, create a writeable directory '.fileopen' by thecommand 'mkdir .fileopen'. Do the command 'ls -lad .fileopen'and verify that .fileopen is owned by you (not root) and iswriteable (has permissions beginning with 'drwx').

7. Close all instances of Adobe Reader. If you have anyopen browsers, including this one, you may need to close it also,since Adobe Reader may be running in the background. Thenreopen your browser to this page.

8. Test your installation by clicking here. After a fewseconds' delay, you should see a document that confirms that yourFileOpen plugin is working properly. If you don't, then seeTroubleshooting, below, especially items 2 and 3.


1. First we must check whether you have a working installation ofAcrobat Reader or Adobe Reader. (This has nothing to do withthe plugin.) Click here. You should see a comforting document. If youdon't see it, then you don't have a working Adobe Reader installation.Click hereto go to the Adobe website and download the latest free version.(Linux and Mac users note: If you see the document in a PDF readerother than Adobe, you will not be able to proceed, since the FileOpen pluginis specific to Adobe. Click on the link above to download the freeAdobe Reader for Linux or Mac.)

2. Next we must check whether your Adobe Reader has found theFileOpen plugin. To do this, we need to open Reader in its ownwindow, i.e., not in a browser. In Windows, click the 'Start' button,then 'Programs'. Look for 'Adobe Acrobat Reader' or a similar choice.Open that program. In Linux, type 'acroread' at a shell prompt. InMac OSX open a finder window, choose Applications, Adobe Reader(folder), then launch Adobe Reader. [An alternative on all systems isto right-click on this link. Choose'Save Target as.' or 'Save Link as.', and save it to your desktop.Now, on your desktop, double click on it. An instance of Acrobat orReader should open.] In the menu bar, click 'Help' (Windows or Linux)or 'Adobe Reader' (Mac). A choice should be 'About Third-PartyPlug-Ins', and clicking on it should show 'FileOpen WebPublisher' asinstalled. If not, try rebooting your machine. If it is still notthere, then you may have moved the FileOpen plugin (FileOpen.api file)into the wrong plug_ins directory. Try repeating the Very DetailedInstructions above to locate the correct directory.

3. If you do find the 'About Third-Party Plug-Ins' and 'FileOpenWebPublisher' items in Adobe Reader, but this link stilldoesn't work (i.e., after 20 seconds has a blank page, an errormessage like 'Unable to connect to server', or nothing at all), thenwe must determine whether we have an SSL problem: Try this link, which usesport 80, not SSL port 443. If it works, then your plugin iscorrectly installed and the problem is with its using SSL. Check if your firewall is blocking outgoing connections from theplugin to remote port 443, but allowing them to remote port 80.

4. If neither of the test links in step 3 worked, then we haveno direct confirmation that the plugin is working. Autotune vst for fl studio 10. Nevertheless,the overwhelming majority of problems at this stage arefirewall problems, not plugin problems. In using the FileOpen plugin,Adobe Acrobat/Reader downloads information from an ordinary https(SSL, remote port 443) web page. You must set your firewall to allow thisoutgoing connection. Regrettably, we cannot tell you how to do this,because there are too many kinds of internal and external firewalls inuse, but it is generally a very straightforward setting to make.

5. If you are still having trouble, please post adescription of the problem on the Numerical Recipes Forum under 'Plugin Problems', or look there to seeif someone else has already solved your problem.

Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 Or 9 Is Required 64-bit

Having problems with your Adobe Acrobat® 8.0 Standard Full Version for PC ?

Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8

015 I have Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro on my Sony vaio computer. Evertime I try to open it it asks for a serial number. I dont know the serial number.015

Answers :

Its tough getting the serial no of Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Pro. But you can try from these serial numbers. Hope it will work.
1-(40% success rate)<111810261991678560422846 or 111810261991678560422846 or 1118-1209-9899-8282-9909-5095>
if that doesn't works then you can download the Adobe Acrobat 8.1 Pro edition with a key from this link. you need a torrent software (like vuze, utorrent, bitlord etc) to download it. 015012
Repair Help & Product Troubleshooting for Adobe Acrobat® 8.0 Standard Full Version for PC
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